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10 ‘What Keeps You Up At Night?’ Replies From Hired Ones

When preparing for a job interview, many of us find ourselves wrestling with the question: “What keeps you up at night?” This inquiry is their strategic tool to gauge your passion, stress levels, and decision-making ability. 

It peeks into how you manage personal and professional stress, and what issues at home or work might spill over into your productivity.

Here are some examples we’ve given that you can prepare for your interview.

Work-Life Balance

1. I find myself trying different mindfulness and relaxation techniques at night. It’s a personal quest to balance my mind after a stimulating day at work.

2. I’m an avid reader. Books are my escape but also a reason I’m often up later than intended.

3. I often stay up thinking about the future, not just my career but also my personal life goals.

4. I think about how to do more with less time without compromising life outside work.

5. I test at night how to better integrate technology into my work to maximize efficiency and minimize unnecessary stress.

These responses humanize you in the interviewer’s eyes, showing that you’re focused not only on work but also on personal development and well-being. 

They convey a well-rounded individual who is mindful of their health, intellectually curious, proactive about technology, and thoughtful about their future.

Skills Enhancement & Development

1. Sometimes, I’m up reflecting on failures and how they are learning opportunities. I think about what skills I need to develop to overcome and grow from these experiences.

2. Lately, it’s been my drive to learn [specific skill]. I often stay up reflecting on my day’s practice.

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3. I stay up late participating in online forums and communities related to [skill or industry].

4. My personal and professional goals often mingle in my thoughts late at night.

5. I’m constantly thinking about what skills I need to develop next to stay ahead in my field.

Reflecting on failures as learning opportunities demonstrate resilience and a positive attitude toward challenges. Discussing your efforts to learn specific skills and participating in online forums shows that you are proactive about your professional development.

These are qualities that any employer would value highly.

Also, be prepared with these responses when they say ‘Have a good day’ at the end of your interview.

10 'What Keeps You Up At Night?' Replies From Hired Ones

But, Why Do Interviewers Ask This Question?

Interviewers are often eager to see beyond your resume and get a peek into what drives your passion and keeps you excited about your work. The interviewer asks this to assess if you fit well within the company culture and truly value what matters most to the organization.

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It’s about understanding the story behind your worries, which matters most to you professionally and personally. Your answer reveals how deeply connected you are to your profession.

Moreover, discussing what keeps you up at night shows a side of you that isn’t captured in formal documents.

Best Practices To Align Your Answers With Company’s Mission

It’s crucial to learn about the company’s mission and values and do your homework. To tailor your answer in a way that resonates, you must care deeply about aligning your personal goals with those of the company. 

Share your real concerns and genuine interest in contributing meaningful solutions. When answering the question, demonstrate how you chase after goals that complement the company’s direction.

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