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Called Cheap? 13+ Comebacks To Slay Them Wordly

It is very uncommon to hear such rude comments people make about your financial situation. Remember, your wealth and bank balance don’t define your personality. So, there is no need to take these comments seriously and feel depressed.

Comebacks When Someone Calls You Cheap, Poor OR Broke

Instead, come up with confidence and reply to these rude people with cleverness. These tongue-in-cheek comebacks will help you a lot to tackle this situation perfectly. 

Clever Comebacks

1. “Living on a budget doesn’t mean I’m poor, it means I’m not overspending like some people I know.”

2. I’m allergic to wasting money; I break out in smart financial decisions.

3. “My wallet might not be filthy rich, but my life is fabulous.”

4. “Cool, you noticed I don’t overspend like you. Thanks for the compliment!”

5. “Why feel poor when I can afford to be happy without a sugar daddy?”

6. “Lol, my parents didn’t raise me to overspend. They taught me value.”

7. “Those who call others cheap often pass the bill, don’t they?”

8. “I don’t have a sugar daddy, I have a thing called a job.”

9. “My parents might disown me if I spent like you.”

10. “I don’t chase dollars; I make sense with them.”

You’re schooling these folks. It’s a lesson wrapped in a zinger – showing them there’s more to life than just spending.

Savage Comebacks

1. “Sorry, I can’t afford to waste my time on a jerk like you.”

2. “Maybe if you worked as hard as you gossip, you wouldn’t be so concerned about my wallet.”

3. “Poor? The only poor thing here is your attempt at an insult.”

4. “My mom taught me the value of a dollar, what did yours teach you, how to be rude?”

5. “Cheap is better than being a jerk with more money than sense.”

You’re standing up for yourself in the most badass way possible. They will never forget that line you use. 

What To Say When Someone Calls You “Cheap” Or “Poor”?

At functions or gatherings, it’s almost a ritual for some people to make rude comments, especially about someone’s financial condition. They might call you cheap or poor as an insult, but remember, this reflects more about their issues, perhaps jealousy, than about you.

Called Cheap? 13+ Comebacks To Slay Them Wordly (Trending)

Next time someone calls you names based on your financial condition, have a clever and sarcastic comeback ready to shut their mouth. This doesn’t just show you’re unbothered but also puts you on a higher level. Not everyone knows your story, nor should their words appear to affect you.

Questions People Mostly Ask…

What Are Some Witty Comebacks For When Someone Calls Me Cheap?

If someone calls you cheap, a witty response can be a light-hearted way to deflect the comment. Try saying, “I’m not cheap, I’m just financially intimate!” Another playful comeback could be, “I’m not cheap, I’m economically romantic!”

This will add humor to the situation and suggest that you’re more thoughtful about where your money goes. 

What Are Some Good Comebacks For When Says “You Are Cheap”?

Dealing with a comment like “You are cheap” requires a blend of positive traits and self-assurance. A clever response could be,  “I’m not cheap, I just make frugality look good!” 

Or, if you want to be a bit cheekier, you could say, “I’m not cheap, I just know how to spend smart. Why waste money when you can spend it on things that actually matter?”

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