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27 Sharp Comebacks – Handle Unwanted Opinions Like a Pro!

LOL, isn’t it easy how people on the internet just click and comment? Sitting in the dentist’s waiting room or standing in line at the grocery store, someone, with unsolicited advice at the ready, waits to contribute their opinions on life, marriage decisions, or even your outfit. Sarcasm and good comebacks become a habit we practice.

Comebacks For Unwanted Opinions

Whether or not you want to hear it, there’s always that annoying relative at family functions, giving their best life advice. ‘Are you seeing anyone?’ ‘What are your future plans?’ 

This article covers comebacks to stop these sneaky relatives and trolls in their tracks. When unsolicited opinions bleed into your day, a quick reply can shut down the conversation.

Witty comebacks To unsolicited advice

1. “Please, tell me more about how you became an expert in matters you know nothing about.”

2. “Oh, didn’t realize I was speaking to a self-proclaimed advice guru. I’ll keep that in mind.”

3. “If I ever need a lesson on how to mind my own business, I’ll ask you.”

4. “Oh, Thanks dear, how may I ignore you today?”

5. “How exactly is your opinion going to help me? I’m curious.”

6. “Didn’t know the world was in such dire need of your guidance.”

7. “Let me get a notepad and pen ready to jot down these insightful nuggets of wisdom.”

8. “Thanks, but I tend to take advice only from people who have their own lives sorted out.”

9. “Let’s wrap that opinion in some fancy paper and see if it becomes a gift.”

You’re not starting a fight; you’re just playfully nudging them into the ‘mind your own business’ zone.

These comebacks are perfect for when you want to end the unsolicited advice session without being rude.


You’re at a family gathering, and your Aunt, who’s notorious for giving unsolicited advice on everything from your career to your love life, starts her usual spiel. This is the perfect stage to deploy comebacks like, ‘If I ever need a lesson on how to mind my own business, I’ll ask you.’

Clever Comebacks To Unsolicited Opinions

1. “Not to offend, but when it comes to sharing opinions, I prefer them easy and nonexistent.”

2. “My life, my mistakes, my choices, my lessons – Not your business.”

3. “Thanks but, I function better without your guidance.”

4. “Continue, well I take notes on how not to give advice.”

5. “I didn’t realize you were an expert on my life and how I should live it.”

Instead of wasting minutes explaining why you don’t need advice, a quick comeback does the job. Every time you use them, you’re taking back a little bit of power.


You’re at work, and there’s always that one colleague or boss who thinks they’ve got the blueprint for your job. They’re hovering, giving unsolicited advice on how you should handle your projects or clients. Use these comebacks.

Sarcastic Comebacks

1. “Let me get that advice written down… and straight into the trash.”

2. “Wow, such great advice, changed my life forever. Now, where’s the exit from this conversation?”

3. “How fortunate am I to be graced with your wisdom? Said no one ever.”

4. “Did you mistake me for someone who actually values your opinions?”

5. “You know what, I’m surprised I get advice from someone who knows about nothing.”

6. “You must have a hotline to the universe, knowing exactly what I must do.”

7. “Did you practice weeks being this nosy?”

27 Sharp Comebacks - Handle Unwanted Opinions Like a Pro!
Image by master1305

Why argue when sarcasm can end the conversation faster? Use sarcasm once, and they’ll think twice before advising again.

Drop one of these, and watch the advice-giver stumble.


There’s always that one colleague, the guy who thinks he’s the second coming of Steve Jobs. You’re setting up your computer, and he swaggers over, unsolicited, to ‘enlighten’ you about the latest tech you ‘absolutely need’. 

Perfect time to hit him with, ‘Wow, such great advice, changed my life forever. Now, where’s the exit from this conversation?’

Humorous Comebacks

1. “Oh, please, make sure you don’t ask for advice fees next time.”

2. “Can you advise on how to ignore unwanted talks?”

3. “Wow, everyone’s an expert in everything these days!”

4. ”I was just actually thinking how much I didn’t need that tip.”

Be known as the quick-witted one. It’s similar to having a superpower where your weapon is humor. 

A little humor mixed with some practicality can turn any boring advice into a moment of fun.


You’re at the gym, trying to figure out a new machine. A self-proclaimed fitness guru approaches and starts instructing you on your form, even though you didn’t ask. As you adjust your headphones, you casually say, ‘Can you advise on how to ignore unwanted talks?’

Some Polite Approaches To Unwanted Opinions

People tend to respect those who can handle criticism with grace. It’s like being the bigger person in a mini-golf game.

Responding politely can reduce the stress of confrontation. You are keeping things calm and collected.

1. “Someone once said, it’s kind to listen, so thank you for sharing.”

2. “Anyhow, it’s nice to know you’re thinking of me, thank you.”

3. “Doesn’t always align, but your perspective is interesting, thank you.”

Why do people give Unsolicited opinions?

Everyone has a teacher in life who keeps giving directions, even when nobody’s listening. Think about a kid who’s always lost in stories with his new puppy, talking non-stop. But sometimes, it’s like someone who hums all the time; it’s just background noise, not really adding to the conversation.

Often, people say something just to hear their own voice. You’ve probably met folks who tell others what to do, thinking they have the best opinion. But it’s like talking about a problem without offering a fix or sharing smart ideas that aren’t actually helpful. 

They just keep talking, not thinking about whether anyone wants to follow their advice. It’s a way for them to make themselves feel important, but for you, it’s just like listening to someone talking about the weather – you hear them, but you’re not really listening.

Can comebacks for unwanted opinions damage relationships?

When a friend drops an opinion about your shoes or haircut you didn’t ask for, it’s like anything hanging in the air; you might fire back with a snazzy comeback. That leaves them speechless, your inner comedian shining through those witty words. But beware, it can be a nasty burn rather than a playful jab, turning a friendship into a ping-pong of pain.

In the heat of the moment, sarcasm and jokes get misunderstood, often lost in translation. What’s meant as a playful jab can be perceived as an attack, leaving the other person feeling grumpy.

It’s more of a bridge-burning business, where a killer comeback might win you the wittiest friend award but could also burn down the bridge of friendship. Even if you make it, the memory of that sting can linger, leaving things awkward and hanging in the air.

Final Words

Well, our ways of responding to unwanted opinions from relatives, colleagues, or friends vary greatly. Depending on the context and situation, it might be better to go with sarcastic, good comebacks for those unwanted opinions and advice that we didn’t ask for. 

What’s your approach to handling such uncomfortable advice and thoughts? Let us know. What is your favorite way to respond to people who think what they have to say is important, even when you don’t? 

Are you going to listen to them and play the cool player? or position them properly? Let us know what you would do in the comments section below.

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