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27 Must-Know Comebacks When Dealing With “You’re Fat” (Hot)

Facing insults in public can be tough, especially about looks. And one of them is when someone calls you fat. Society is slowly accepting differences, yet nutcases exist. But here’s a game plan. In this war of words, use comebacks that let you win without stooping low.

Comebacks When Someone Calls You Fat

Savage, Clever, and Funny comebacks are listed below. Choose them based on who is calling you fat. And please inform us with your feedback and suggestions in the comment section below.

Savage Comebacks For Being Called Fat

1. “I could lose weight, but no diet can fix your ugly attitude.”

2. “You’re not exactly a license to speak on beauty, are you?”

3. “Interesting, I didn’t know rudeness was in fashion. Too bad it doesn’t make you look any nicer.”

4. “Is your mouth always on a sprint? Because that was a quick jump to childish conclusions.”

5. “Well, at least my dogs know better manners.”

6. “Looks like your mouth is on a license to embarrass yourself.”

7. “Seriously, your mother would be so proud of you for such good manners.”

8. “If rude comments burned calories, you’d be invisible by now.”

9. “I’d rather be called fat than be known for shaming others. Grow up, buddy!”

10. “I’m in shape. Round is a shape, isn’t it?”

Jaw-Dropping Comebacks For Being Called Fat

1. “How inappropriate and cruel. Thank you, but I prefer knowledge over nonsense.”

2. “Your cruel words don’t define me. I’m beautiful, gorgeous, and loved by friends and family.”

3. “Seems like you’ve invested more in being dumb than understanding human respect.”

4, “Remind me, what are your qualities besides being rude?”

5. “Honestly, it just shows your lack of intelligence. So, think of yourself.”

6. “Behind this body is a mind you couldn’t even begin to compete with.”

Good/Clever Comebacks For Being Called Fat

1. “Looks like intelligence is imperfect in some people.”

2. “My body can slim down, but can your mind?”

3. “But, at least my childhood dream wasn’t to become the world’s greatest critic.”

4. “Thanks for the compliment. Every curve on me is more fabulous than the last.”

5. “You’re right; I’m not fit. I’m fabulous. Big difference.”

Funny Comebacks For Being Called Fat

1. “I’m not fat; my personality just can’t fit into a tiny body.”

2. “Sorry, I can’t lose weight by talking. If we could, you’d be invisible by now.”

3. “You’re not an asshole; you’re the whole ass.”

4. “My nostrils expand in the heat. Guess I’m just hotter than you.”

5. “Sure, I could lose weight, but I can’t fix your face. So, who’s losing here?”

6. “You think I’m fat? That’s just my ass giving you the middle finger.”

7. “Thanks for the compliment. I always wanted to be someone’s biggest problem.”

What To Say When Someone Says “You’re Fat”?

At a family event or any gathering, getting comments about looking heavier or having extra fat over the last few months can hurt. If someone says you’ve gained weight, remember your confidence shouldn’t take a hit. You might want to stop them by commenting back, “My body, my matter, not yours.” 

27 Must-Know Comebacks When Dealing With “You’re Fat” (Hot)

This is not just about correcting a rude remark but about how to deal with fat shaming. Respond cleverly, maybe even sarcastically, to show you’re not there to absorb hate. You’re working on what matters to you, not living up to anyone else’s expectations.

What Does It Mean When Someone Calls You Fat

It can become upsetting when someone calls you fat because it seems like they’re putting you down or bullying you. They’re not just criticizing; it feels like they want to control or manipulate you, making you insecure or dependent on their opinions. They might think they’re making a judgment on your health or lifestyle choices, but they’re missing accurate information. It’s hurtful and not responsible. 

But remember, their words carry an emotional charge that doesn’t define your medical or scientific body type.

Questions People Mostly Ask…

My parents keep calling me fat. I told them to stop, but they won’t. How can I stop them saying this?

Try having a calm conversation with them. Explain how their comments affect you and ask for their support in your weight loss goals, if that’s what you want. Sometimes, bringing in a third party who can explain your feelings might help them listen more attentively. Remember, your reaction and plan to deal with this can make a big difference.

What should I do if the person calling you fat is in the classroom with me?

If that person is in your classroom calling you fat, it’s important to stay strong and use smart coping mechanisms. School is a place for learning and growth, not for putting each other down. 

First, remember that reactions matter; responding with dignity reflects your character. 

Asking for help is smart too. Most schools have an anti-bullying policy; don’t hesitate to enlist the help of teachers, counselors, or staff. They’re there to support you, making sure everyone feels safe and respected. 

Working together, we can stop the bully and create a kinder environment for everyone.

Also, Check Out These:

You Won’t Last Against Jerks Without These Comebacks

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