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13 Money Asking Excuses That Make Parents Open Wallets

Sometimes, the struggle of being a teenager involves finding excuses to ask parents for money, especially when your reasons might not be so valid. We’ve all been there, crafting better excuses or, let’s be honest, good lies, to get money with creative yet white lies.

Excuses To Ask Money From Parents

So, here we are with some psychological influencing and some funny excuses that are 100% working, getting money from parents every time used. 

Top-Notch Excuses To Ask Money From Parents

1. “All my old-school friends are going on a trip. If I don’t join, I’ll be the only one left out.”

2. “I’ve promised to organize a surprise birthday party for my best friend. It’s a matter of keeping my word.”

3. “Our school is hosting a donation camp. Participating is important for my social awareness.”

4. “I want to introduce my girlfriend to a special date. It’s a milestone in our relationship.”

5. “There’s a competition I want to participate in. It requires a small entry fee.”

6. “I need to pay back a friend who helped me with school projects. Can I get some money?”

7. “Short on money this month, and it’s really stressing me out.”

8. “I’m motivated to save and invest for a purpose. You said learning money management early is crucial.”

9. “I want to upgrade my skills through online courses, and your support would show your belief in my potential.”

10. “I want to take an online course to learn a new skill. Can you help pay for it?”

Don’t always go for the same excuse. Variety is key, it keeps them guessing and nodding along.

Sometimes, just saying you’re stressed about money can work. Parents don’t want you freaking out over cash.


School’s in full swing, and there’s a ton happening: projects, parties, and maybe even a date or two. You wanna be part of it all, but hey, you need some dough for that. This is when you need to hit up your parents with some convincing reasons.

Funny Excuses To Ask Money From Parents

1. “As a single person, I’m doing a study on how money affects my dating life. Need funds for research. You know?”

2. “Training to be the child you can be proud of. Lessons aren’t cheap!”

3. “In a Truth and Dare game, I was dared to ask you for money. Can’t break the dare!”

4. “Missed the bus because I was counting my money. Need more for counting lessons.”

Parents are used to the same old ‘I need money for books’ or ‘Can I have some cash for gas?’ Boring! Laughter is like a magic wand that opens wallets.

Imagine years down the line, your family still chuckling about the time you asked for money because you were doing a dating experiment. Priceless!

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You spot your parents lounging, probably plotting to give you more chores. Time to get creative and funny and hit up the Bank of Mom and Dad with a zinger: ‘As a single person, I’m doing a study on how money affects my dating life. Need funds for research. You know?’

They can’t resist a chuckle and might just hand over some cash for your ‘noble love’’ research.

Should You Lie to Your Parents to Get Money?

At the end of the day, it’s a personal decision whether to lie to your parents for money. I’ve often heard people say, ‘Just make up a story, it’s not a big deal,’ but is it really that simple? I hope not to cross the line of ethics, yet I understand the need to sometimes stretch the truth. 

13 Money Asking Excuses That Make Parents Open Wallets

It’s crucial not to take advantage or manipulate. You might get away with it once or maybe even twice, but is it worth the risk of eroding trust?

Questions People Mostly Ask…

1. What Are The Most Common Excuses To Get Money From Parents?

The most common excuses to ask parents for money involve school projects or loan-related needs. These reasons often seem genuine to parents, as they are reasonable and not outdated. 

Whether it’s for books or a class trip, parents usually find these needs worth supporting, especially when the demanded amount aligns with the project’s requirements.

2. Can We Make An Excuse For Misplaced Money?

When it comes to misplaced money, honesty is the best policy. If you’ve lost money, explaining the circumstances can convince your parents of the need for more.

An excuse might work, but revealing the truth shows responsibility and maturity.

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3. How Can I Make My Excuse Sound Genuine And Responsible?

To make your excuse for needing money sound genuine and responsible, avoid sneaky excuses or beating around the bush. 

Show a well-thought-out plan on using the money wisely, like a budget for books or a school trip, and how you’ll save. This responsibility often earns trust.

4. Can I Ask My Parents For Money To Cover Debt Or Loans?

Discussing debt with your parents requires assessing the severity of your financial situation. For a small, temporary amount, consider budgeting and cutbacks to handle it yourself. 

If facing a larger, long-term debt, open and honest communication about your financial matters with your parents is crucial.

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