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Funny & Flirty Responses To Compliments That’ll Charm Them

Imagine someone throws you a compliment, and instead of the casual “thanks,” you lob back something flirty, witty, or cute. This will be unexpected to them. Right?

So, let’s impress them with some funny, flirty, cute, and good responses.

Funny/Witty Responses To Compliments

1. “Wait till you see me on a windy day!” [If someone compliments your hair]

2. “Thanks, but are you sure you’re not trying to ask me for a favor?”

3. “If flattery could be exchanged for dollars, I’d be rich by now. Just Joking! Thanks, Dear!”

4. “Are you trying to make me blush? Because it’s working. Thanks a lot though!”

5. “This will go straight to my head. And probably to my Instagram bio.”

6. “Best friend award goes to you for complimenting me even when I look like I just rolled out of bed.”

7. “Are you practicing your service skills?”

8. “Must’ve been the perfect lighting or your good eyes. Either way, thanks!”

9. “Thanks! I’d thank my genes, but they don’t have ears.”

Flirty Responses To Compliments

1. “You’re at the top of my wish list, especially when you talk like that.”

2. “Looks like my workouts have worked out. Noticed, have you?”

3. “You’ve stolen my heart. Guess it’s my turn to steal a kiss?”

4. “Surviving on just food and water is easy; it’s your compliments that I can’t live without.”

5. “Wish I had a genie to grant every wish you’ve ever had.”

6. “You’re not like the lousy girls I met before. You’re something special.”

Cute Responses To Compliments

1. “Wise words indeed! It took me years to look this best. Thank you!”

2. “I needed to hear that today. You’ve made my day, seriously.”

3. “If my boyfriend/girlfriend heard that, they’d wish they said it first. Thank you!”

4. “Thank you! You’re too funny, making me smile like this.”

Good Responses To Compliments

1. “Thanks! I got it from my grandmother; guess good genes run in the family.”

2. “Haha, are you kidding? But seriously, thank you. I don’t feel stupid when I’m around friends like you.”

3. “Your flattery is too much! But I’ll take it, especially coming from someone as glib and smart as you.”

How Are We Supposed to Deal With Compliments?

Receiving a compliment can often feel strange; it’s nicer to hear kind words, yet we’re left wondering if the complimenter harbors ulterior motives. But here’s a twist from my playbook: when someone throws a compliment my way, I arm myself with funny responses that disarm any suspicions.

Instead of the generic “thank you,” why not spice it up? A witty reply tailored to the situation showcases you’re not just prepared but also one of those awesome people who know how to judge an appropriate moment for a funny response. 

And See What The Famous Convo Expert Vinh Says About Accepting Compliments:

How to Respond to Compliments on Instagram or Facebook

When someone drops a compliment on your latest Instagram photo or Facebook status, it’s tempting to go along with thanks. But here’s a good idea; keep it short and sweet. In the world of online interactions, where short attention spans reign supreme, a quick reply can make all the difference. 

Personalize your response with a clever emoji or a witty comment to spice up the exchange. Remember, whether it’s online or in real life, the way you write your thank you says a lot. A simple, short response can often be more impactful than a long, drawn-out one. 

21 Flirty & Funny Responses To Compliments - Instant Chemistry

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why are compliments important?

When you sling a compliment someone’s way, it’s more than just a few nice words—it’s a power move that can make people feel valued and good about themselves. Imagine telling someone their laughter is your favorite sound, or their smile has brightened your day. That’s the kind of magic compliments bring. They’re not just words; they’re vehicles of positivity, making everyone involved feel like a million bucks.

2. How do I gracefully accept a compliment at work?

Accepting compliments at work with grace is all about the perfect blend of modesty and gratitude. When someone praises your latest project or the task you’ve completed, smile and use positive body language to show your delight. 

It’s not just about saying “thank you”—though that’s crucial—it’s also about acknowledging others who contributed. A humble nod to your team’s effort can turn a personal compliment into a celebration of collective achievement. 

3. Why is it important to acknowledge a compliment?

When you respond properly, you not only make the other person feel welcome but also boost your self-esteem. It creates a content atmosphere where everyone feels appreciated. This simple act can pave the way for deeper friendships and connections among people.

4. What are some tips for positively responding to compliments?

When someone throws a compliment your way, the key to positively accepting it lies in the simple acts of thanking them, maintaining eye contact, and using open body language. Mention the name of the person who complimented you to make the interaction more personal and engaging. And, if the moment feels right, complimenting back can add a playful twist to the exchange.

5. Can I acknowledge the compliment while still deflecting attention away from myself?

Yes, you can acknowledge a compliment gracefully while shifting the focus away from yourself by thanking the giver and then complimenting them in return or indulging in a topic that involves talking about something else. You can downplay without hurting feelings by incorporating warm gestures, like a hug, to convey your gratitude. 

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