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17+ “How Are You?” Responses To Flirt Back Hard | Flirt Bombs

Picture this: you’ve just received a text, and instead of the eternity it takes to craft a good answer, you have a flirty arsenal at your fingertips. We’ve compiled a collection of flirty and romantic responses that build more than just chit-chat; they add juiciness and heat, spicing up any interaction. So, let’s check them out.

Flirtiest Responses To “How Are You?”

  • 1. “Tired from running you through my mind all day. Got a cure for that?”
  • 2. “Single and ready to mingle, especially now that I’ve noticed you’re free. Wanna grab a coffee?”
  • 3. “Wishing for a big, warm hug. Feeling a bit sad without your company to brighten my day.”
  • 4. “Lonely in bed?”
  • 5. “I’m good, but I’d be amazing with your arms around me. How about we make that happen?”
  • 6. “Just thinking how a hug from my favorite person could brighten my day. Hint, hint.”
  • 7. “Oh, you know, just daydreaming about getting lost in someone’s eyes. Yours, specifically.”
  • 8. “I’m okay, but I’d be great if I could get one of those big, warm hugs you give.”
  • 9. “I’m fine, but I’d be fabulous if you were here making me laugh with that charming wink of yours.”
  • 10. “Somewhere between fine and fantastic—would lean towards fantastic if you’re free to chat.”
  • 11. “You know, they say talking to someone special can brighten your day. Guess they’re right.”
  • 12. “Tired of running solo.”
  • 13. “Feeling a bit naughty; your texts have a way of paving a path straight to my naughtier thoughts.”
  • 14. “I’ve got a crush on someone incredibly good-looking, funny, and smart. Hint: you.”
  • 15. “I’m okay, but I’ve been told I’m better with a bit of flirting. Shall we experiment?”
  • 16. “I keep thinking I should be more productive, but then I get distracted by thoughts of you. Can you blame me?”
  • 17. “How am I? Better now that we’re talking. But best would be seeing you.”
  • 18. “Lonely without my favorite person.”
  • 19. “Doing okay, but wondering what flavor your lips are today.”
  • 20. “I’m the last cookie in the jar, feeling oh-so-lonely without you.”
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Flirty Pickup Lines As Reply To “How Are You” On Tinder And Other Dating Apps

  • 1. “Feeling extra fit today, like I just spent a minute too long looking at your Tinder photos.”
  • 2. “I was good until I saw your message, now I’m fantastic.”
  • 3. “Feeling like today’s my lucky day.”
  • 4. “I’m good, but I’d be better if we were talking over coffee instead of Tinder.”
  • 5. “Been feeling like something’s missing today, then I realized it was you.”
  • 6. “I’m good, but looking at your profile made my day.”
17+ "How Are You?" Responses To Flirt Back Hard | Flirt Bombs

Phrases, Puns, And Wordplays That Can Be Used Effectively In Flirting

  • 1. “Fantastic, now that you’ve made my day by just asking.”
  • 2. “I’m riding the waves of life, just need that smile of yours to make it perfect.”
  • 3. “My phone’s on low battery, but talking to you is the energy boost I need.”
SUGGESTED:  15 Flirty & Funny “Who Is This?” Responses - Tease Them More
  • 4. “From before to after in a makeover show, that’s the effect your message has on me.”
  • 5. “Our text is like a song I can’t stop playing, sweetness on repeat.”
  • 6. “On cloud nine. Care to join me, or should I come down?”

What Does It Mean When Someone Says “How Are You?”

When someone uses “How are you?”, it’s a social nicety, sure, a way to start a conversation. But look a bit closer. It’s also an invitation to share, a door creaking open to reveal what’s going on with you. They might be showing genuine interest and care for your well-being.

Humorous Flirt Can Be More Effective

When you use humor in flirtation, while responding to “How are you?”, it can break the ice with ease and light up the conversation with interest. Imagine ditching the standard “I’m fine, thanks,” for something more cheeky, like “Just thinking about how my day just got brighter hearing from you.” 

Such fun spins on classic responses show you’re approachable, funny, and can think on your feet – a clever way to make a connection more enjoyable. A bonus! Try injecting humor and a bit of mystery by first asking “Guess what I’m thinking?”, signal interest in a light, witty manner that could make anyone smile. 

SUGGESTED:  31 Cute & Bewitching “Why Are You So Cute?” Replies Revealed

People Ask These Questions…

How do I keep a flirty conversation interesting?

To keep the convo interesting and flirty, use this, “Feeling very very soothing talking to my most favorite person in the world.”

Can you suggest a flirty question to ask in response to “How are you?”

Try responding with something light and engaging, like, “Very much Better now. How’s the day giving a beautiful person beautiful happiness and smile?”

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