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13 Replies To ‘Had A Great Time With You’ For Ultimate Impact

Isn’t it just the nicest thing when your phone lights up with a text from a friend or date saying, “I had a great time with you”? This makes an ordinary day special and sparks a smile that lasts for hours.  Now, the ball’s in your court to respond. 

Replies To “I Had A Great Time With You” Text

With a few well-chosen words, you won’t just reply; you’ll return the favor with a message that’s equally special and friendly. Let’s take a look at those heartwarming words.

Good Replies (You Had A Great Time Too)

1. “Actually, I had the best time too. Can do it again soon?”

2. “Can’t believe how much fun I had. Thanks a lot!”

3. “Long time since I’ve had such a good time. Thank you for making it special.”

4. “Yeah, the feeling’s mutual! I enjoyed every second. ”

5. “Yeah, can’t believe how fast time flew. Want it again.”

6.  “Definitely the best time I’ve had in a long time. Thank you for making it possible!”

7. “That was not just time spent; it was time invested in smiles.”

These good replies are your toolkit for building excitement, deepening connection, and setting the stage for future fun. It’s not just responding; it’s responding in a way that keeps the good times rolling. 

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Funny Replies (For Teasing Them)

1. “Sorry, but I can’t say the same… I had an even better time than you did!”

2. “A great time by whose standards? You set the bar so high, I might need a ladder next time.”

3. “Sorry, I already told my ex we had a better time and he/she is reading it now.”

4. “Great? That’s it? I was aiming for an ‘unforgettable’. Guess I’ll have to try harder next time!”

These funny replies will turn your ordinary exchanges into something extraordinary. You’re not just being funny, you’re crafting a moment that’s more memorable than a sitcom finale.

Replies If You Didn’t Have A Great Time

1. “It’s good to hear you enjoyed yourself.”

2. “Wish I could say that for you as well!”

3. “I liked the place we went to, very interesting choice.”

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You’re being polite but also setting boundaries faster than someone can say “Let’s meet up again!”.

Check Out How To Show Emotions In Texting

How To Respond To “I Had A Great Time With You” Message?

A simple “Thank you, I’m glad to hear you feel the same way!” suffices to share the warmth. To add depth, consider suggesting another meeting or date. This will show you’re eager to continue this budding connection. 

13 Replies To “Had A Great Time With You” (More Than 'Me Too)

Humor can lighten the mood, so a joke about not having enough fun—just to make them smile—is welcome. 

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For those looking for inspiration, check out some of our best examples to craft a reply that resonates with your experience and excitement.

What Does It Mean “I Had A Great Time With You”?

When someone says, “I had a great time with you,” it’s their way of expressing that being with you refreshes their mood and they love the feeling of connection. This text is an invitation to share excitement and interest in spending more time together. 

The best replies are those that catch up with their enthusiasm, inform them you feel the same, and ask to meet again soon.

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