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Assert Yourself Against ‘Because I Said’ – 9 Working Responses

Hearing the phrase “Because I said so” from parents or others often sparks an internal argument. It’s a sentence that can make you feel irritated, bad, or even rude, especially when you are asking questions important to you. 

This excuse is commonly used by parents when they don’t have a valid reason or explain themselves, leaving you feeling like your mind is not respected.

How To Respond To “Because I Said So”

Here, you can use smart responses that will urge them to explain clearly. Keep in mind that the respect for the parents must be reflected in your tone while using these responses.

Clever & Smart Responses To “Because I Said So”

1. “And that just raised more questions in my mind.”

2. “Relax, I was just asking a question, no need to pull rank.”

3. “Looks like I’m not getting a clear answer today, am I?”

4. “Okay. So we’re using ‘because I said so’ as an actual explanation now?”

5. “Yeah, your house, your rules. My Bad, I forgot that.”

6. “You’re the mom-dad, but please, a kid deserves a reason that’s more than just “because I said so”.

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7. “Oh, I forgot that asking for a reason was too much.”

8. “Is that a new conversation stopper?”

9. “Ask a question, get ‘because I said so’ as an answer – feels like a quiz where all answers are the same.”

10. “Oh, decree from on high! Should I bow or curtsy?”

These responses are a clever way to engage in a more meaningful conversation when faced with the dismissive “Because I said so”. Using these responses can be a way to foster better communication, showing that you respect their perspective but still value clear and reasonable explanations. 

They help in expressing your curiosity and desire for a proper explanation without being confrontational.

What To Say When Parents Say “Because I Said So”?

When parents use “because I said so,” it’s often not the right time to fight or convince. Instead, try replying with something clever yet respectful. Saying, “I know you have your reasons, but I’m curious to learn and understand,” shows a desire to explain and teach in other ways. You can also try “I know you’re busy. Can we talk when you have time to explain clearly?”

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Assert Yourself Against 'Because I Said' - 9 Working Responses

What Is A Good Comeback For “Because I Said So”?

A good comeback isn’t about winning; it’s about expressing yourself and encouraging a healthy conversation. When told “Because I said so,” I’ve found that saying “I knew you’d say that, but I’d enjoy understanding your reasons. It makes it easier for me to accept your decision” opens up space for dialogue. It’s not confrontational, but it shows you value their thoughts and are open to discussion.

Why Do They Say This?

In my experience, hearing “because I said so” from parents often means they’re not in the right mood to explain or discuss. This response might seem like an excuse, yet it’s sometimes perfectly reasonable.

As a parent myself, I understand that trust and belief play a role too. Parents, in situations where questions could annoy or shut up the goal, sometimes say this.

It’s not about making kids shut up without questions; it’s about maintaining a balance – not every question needs an elaborate answer, especially when the age or situation doesn’t warrant it.

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