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53 Genuine & Relevant Replies to “How are you holding up?”

When someone asks you, “How are you holding up?”, they show a deep concern for your well-being, especially if you’re going through a challenging situation. So, You’re in the right place if you’re unsure how to respond.

Replies To Mother/Aunt Asking “How are you holding up?”


  • It’s a journey, Mom. Learning a lot about myself.
  • Some days are tough, Mom, but I’m managing.
  • There are gems and stones in every walk of life.
  • I’m okay, Mom. You raised a strong individual.

General Light-Hearted: 

  • Still above ground and smiling, Mom!
  • Like a pro! Could use more sleep though.
  • Still searching for the ‘easy’ button over here!
  • Pretty good, considering I haven’t won the lottery yet, Aunt!


  • Not too bad, Aunt. Just rolling with the punches.


  • Auntie, I’m rocking it, just like you taught me!
  • Surviving, Mom. I haven’t turned into a hermit yet!
  • Surviving on coffee and occasional naps!
  • Living the dream, or something quite like it!

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Replies To Father/Uncle Asking “How are you holding up?”

Stressed but Positive: 

  • Pretty swamped, but I’m managing alright.


  • Things are finally looking up, Dad.


  • Hanging in there, just like a cat poster!


  • Surviving, not as if I have a choice!


  • Not too bad, can’t complain really.
53 Genuine & Relevant Replies to “How are you holding up?”

Replies To Brother/Sister Asking “How are you holding up?”


  • Much better now that you’ve asked, thanks, brother.


  • Eh, it’s all the same, day in, day out.

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Humorous Reply: 

  • Surviving, just about! You know me, always the drama king.

Lighthearted Reply: 

  • Still kicking! How about you, troublemaker?

Upbeat Reply: 

  • Doing great! Can’t let life bring me down, right?

Teasing Reply: 

  • Better now that you’re here to annoy me!

Sincere Reply: 

  • It means a lot that you care. I’m doing okay, all things considered.

Joking Reply: 

  • I’m on top of the world if the world is a couch!

Resilient Reply: 

  • Bent but not broken, thanks for asking!

Playful Reply: 

  • I’m like a sitcom – a new twist every episode!

Emotional Reply: 

  • It’s tough, but I’m holding back the tears.

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Candid Reply: 

  • Just average; not bad, but fantastic either.

Inquisitive Reply: 

  • Holding up? I’d say a solid 6/10. You?

Replies To Husband/Wife Asking “How are you holding up?”

53 Genuine & Relevant Replies to “How are you holding up?”


  • With you by my side, I’m more than just holding up; I’m thriving, love!


  • Some days are tough, but thinking of you always lifts me up.


  • With you to talk to, I’m actually feeling a lot better.


  • With your love, I feel like I can face anything.


  • With our strength combined, I’m more than just holding up.

Appreciative Reply: 

  • Your love makes every challenge easier to bear. I’m good, sweetheart.

Playful Reply: 

  • I’m surviving, but a kiss from you might make me feel even better!

Light-Hearted Reply: 

  • I’m like a superhero, better when my sidekick is around!

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Rejuvenated Reply: 

  • Feeling recharged whenever I hear your voice.

Replies To Cousin/Best Friend Asking “How are you holding up?”

Playful Teasing Reply: 

  • Surviving… despite your bad influence on me!

Relatable Reply: 

  • Like everyone else, trying to make the best of things.

Genuine Reply: 

  • It’s been a challenge, but having friends like you helps.

Cheerful Reply: 

  • Still smiling, so I guess that’s something!

Replies To Boyfriend/Girlfriend Asking “How are you holding up?”


  • Surviving! Would be better with some of your famous hugs though.


  • With you in my thoughts, always holding up fine.


  • Your concern warms my heart, doing okay, love.


  • As good as one can be in a world without flying cars yet.


  • Missing you, but that keeps me going.


  • All’s well in my world when I think of you.
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How To Reply To “How Are You Holding Up”?

Share your struggles and hardships in life

Whenever a close friend or family member asks, “How are you holding up?” it’s usually because they’re keen on knowing about a prior incident and want to know all there is to know about you.

 You might choose to respond with several sentences if you feel comfortable sharing about struggles or difficulties you’re facing. 

What if you don’t want to share

A brief reply acknowledging their concern while staying aware of your own comfort level is perfectly acceptable. It’s crucial to stay strong yet comfortable in how much you share, whether it’s a timeline of recent events or a general statement about your situation.

Remember, responding to such questions is a personal choice, and how much you divulge depends on your relationship with the person asking.

What does “How are you holding up” mean?

The phrase “How are you holding up?” extends beyond a simple check-in, reflecting a more meaningful engagement of empathy. It is often asked in times when people are managing through difficult situations, such as dealing with hardships like illness, divorce, or job loss. 

This question is an empathetic way to show the other person that they are heard and supported, especially when they may be too busy to initiate contact.

53 Genuine & Relevant Replies to “How are you holding up?”

To ask, “How are you holding up?” is to recognize the difficulties that another person is facing, whether it is a personal disaster (such as an ill husband), the aftermath of a burial, adjusting to a large move, or life after graduation.

It’s a gesture that lets the other person know you are aware of and care about their wellbeing, offering a moment for them to share and feel less isolated in their experiences.

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How it is different from “How are you”?

1. In environments like the workplace, “How are you holding up?” is an important question that invites more than just small talk. This question prepares the asker for a lengthy, personal response and displays real care for the respondent’s well-being, unlike “How are you?”

2. “How are you holding up?”, is a more serious and caring inquiry compared to the light-hearted and polite “How are you?”. No matter the relationship, this inquiry acknowledges the other person’s anxiety and tries to get at their emotions. It’s a friendly gesture that goes beyond mere social niceties.

Things You Should Know About This Question

1. When someone asks, “How are you holding up?”, they are acknowledging that you might be facing a difficult situation. This inquiry is more than a casual greeting; it’s a genuine expression that the other person is concerned about how you are managing through a period of stress or hardship.

2. When someone asks this question, describing your emotions and situation in a detailed response is crucial. This question often implies a need for support, so being honest about whether help is needed is essential.

3. “How are you?” and “How are you holding up?” are not the same thing.

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