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“What Did You Say?” – 9 Smart Answers (Game-Changing)

Ever been in a spot where someone casually asks, “What did you say?” and you sense it’s not just because they didn’t hear? Maybe they’re challenging your statement, eager to hear a repeat to scrutinize your tone or the meaning behind your words.

Answers To “What Did You Say?”

To tackle these tricky moments, why not arm yourself with a witty and clever comeback? It’s a way to take responsibility for your words while steering clear of any argument. So, let’s dodge these verbal bullets by responding with humor and smarts!

Clever & Smart Answers To “What Did You Say?”

1. “Forget it, it’s just my weird habit of talking to air.”

2. “Wish you could hear me the first time, it was a good joke!”

3. “Honestly, I don’t know; sometimes I just blurt out movie quotes.”

4. “Thank God you didn’t catch that, it was just a repeat performance of my bad jokes.”

5. “I didn’t have to say that; it was a private thought.”

6. “I said, ‘You’re awesome!'”

These lines are your escape hatch when you’re not in the mood for long chats. It shows you don’t take yourself too seriously. A sense of humor about your habits is always a win.

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Humorous Answers To “What Did You Say?”

1. “Just practicing how to repeat ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ (Super-cali-Fragilistic-Expiali-docious) backward.” :)

2. “Let me repeat: ‘I need a vacation on the Moon.'”

3. “I could repeat, but it’s a secret between me and [You Name].”

4. “Me? A new tongue twister: ‘She sells sea shells but didn’t hear the seashore.'”

These humorous responses are a brilliant way to show off your wit and keep things interesting. So next time someone catches you mumbling, remember, a humorous comeback is your best friend!

What Is The Meaning Of “What Did You Say”?

“What did you say?” often pops up when someone didn’t hear or understand you well the first time. It’s often a clarification question to understand your meaning, expecting you to repeat what was shared, and explain more clearly. 

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It’s not always a clarification question but can be a signal that they hear exactly what you utter but find it either inappropriate or hurtful. This is a shocking moment in conversations at home or with family, especially with parents or elders who taught us not to talk back.

“What Did You Say?” - 9 Smart Answers (Game-Changing)

Yet, sometimes, “What did you say?” can lead to a funny argument, especially when asked playfully. It’s a chance to handle the question with humor, not arguing or being rude.

How To Answer To “What Did You Say”?

When someone asks, “What did you say?” mid-conversation, it’s crucial to watch your tone. You might decide to reply politely by repeating your previous sentence OR with a hint of humor. A witty approach can avert an argument, and a polite “I said…” followed by one of your smart answers given above could lighten the mood.

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