You were simply enjoying a moment and there’s nothing wrong. That’s when you should respond with a typical ‘nothing’. But, When there actually ‘the matter’ is, the best response isn’t always the most assumed one.
Here, sarcastic and funny answers come into play to tackle that situation and to make the convo more interesting and rightful.
I am Ibn Riaz, a communication expert, and I have been working as a communication consultant for about 3 years.
How To Answer To “What’s The Matter?”?
As I told above If it’s a simple inquiry, your answer will be a casual ‘nothing’. But, if there is any negativity you notice in their tone and they behave rudely, you should use these funny or sarcastic answers (Based on the context and situation).
This will help shield you and stop them from wrecking your mood.
Replies To “What’s The Matter?”
We want your feedback and suggestions in the comment section below.
Funny Replies To “What’s The Matter?”
1. “Just pondering the profound question of why pizza is round, comes in a square box, and I’m trying to eat it in a triangle.”
2. “The matter is, why people keep asking what’s the matter.”
3. “People keep asking me if everything’s fine, and I’m starting to wonder if they know something I don’t. Should I be worried?”
4. “The matter is, why are people like you actually born?”
5. “The matter is so top-secret that even I don’t know what it is yet!”
6. “Sorry, but that’s on a need-to-know basis, and you don’t need to know… yet.”
7. “I’m thinking: why do they call it a building if it’s already built?”
Your witty responses not only entertain you but also provide a much-needed break from the endless drone of questions.
These replies also serve as a reminder that not every question needs a serious answer. They playfully deflect curiosity and remind people not to take themselves too seriously.
Sarcastic & Savage Replies To “What’s The Matter?”
1. “Oh, why bother explaining? You already know everything.”
2. “Well, whatever is the matter, it’s none of your business. Mind your own for a change.”
3. “Oh, please, enlighten us with your infinite wisdom since you seem to have all the answers.”
4. “Don’t need to know, and you don’t need to ask.”
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These replies help you assert your boundaries and maintain a sense of privacy. They send a clear message that you’re not interested in sharing your personal details with everyone who asks, especially when it’s none of their business.
What Do They Mean by ’What’s The Matter?’?
Assessing the context and the person’s mood can help you find what this phrase means. Sometimes, you tease someone or do something wrong, and that’s when you face ’What’s The Matter?’, this means what you did bothered them and they didn’t find it right.

Whereas, this phrase is also used when you are in a heated argument. They use it because they want to mock you rudely. And, sometimes you can also be teased with this phrase, that’s where your approach will be funny answers.
Now, you have to choose your answer after judging the context, the situation, and the person’s mood. This will show your real thinking. So, try to choose accordingly.
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Questions People Mostly Ask…
Is “What’s The Matter?” Always A Serious Question?
That depends. A soft and worried voice shows genuine concern, while a voice that seems loud and joking might be a sign of a playful mood.
So, pay attention to some hints like body language, furrowed brows, or a mischievous grin and you will find whether it is a serious one or not.
What If I Don’t Want To Answer The Question “What’s The Matter?”
Please remember that you are not trapped in answering every question related to your personal life. Keeping certain feelings tucked away like a precious treasure chest is perfectly acceptable.
Instead of feeling trapped or obligated to open up, consider the option to choose what parts of your emotional landscape you should unveil politely. As you can say:
- “Oh, you know, just a case of the Mondays! Nothing major.”
- “Thanks for caring, but I’m not quite ready to talk about it yet. Maybe later?”
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