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“When’s Getting Married?” – Try These 21+ Witty Comebacks!

Family, friends, and relatives often think it’s their duty to ask about your marriage plans. This constantly asked question can be bothersome. You might think, ‘I’m content in my singlehood, why can’t they see that?’

Funny Answers To “When Are You Getting Married?”

Harshly shutting down the question only creates tension. Instead, I think of witty responses that neither offend nor belittle the relationship status of others. 

Funny Answers To “When Are You Getting Married?”

1. “I’m waiting for my inner child to grow up fast.”

2. “When Google starts planning weddings, I’ll then think of it.”

3. “Money doesn’t grow on trees, and neither do spouses!”

4. “Only if the cute girls stop friend-zoning me.”

5. “I met someone great yesterday! But then I woke up.”

6. “How about ‘Next month!’ Just don’t hold your breath.”

7. “Marriage? This idea still scares my wallet.”

8. “I scheduled it for February 30th. It’s going to be a unique event!”

When you don’t want to get into the real reasons why you’re not hitched yet, a joke is a great way to dodge the question without getting into the nitty-gritty.

These answers can subtly hint that your marital status is off-limits for future questions.


You’re at a family reunion, surrounded by aunts, uncles, and cousins you barely recognize. They’re all munching on potato salad and firing the dreaded ‘When are you getting married?’ question like it’s their job. 

Perfect time to drop, ‘When Google starts planning weddings, I’ll then think of it.’

Savage & Sarcastic Answers To “When Are You Getting Married?”

1. “I’ll get married when the Bermuda Triangle starts returning the ships and planes.”

2. “As soon as I find a girlfriend who’s as interested in your advice as I am.”

3. “I’ll tell you, but only if you can convince me why it’s your business.”

4. “Do I look like I care about nonsense questions about when I’ll marry?”

5. “You should worry about climate change, not my ring finger.”

6. “My parents raised me to care more about my goals than marrying.”

7. “When it feels right, I’ll get married. No need to convince me.”

Sometimes, you just don’t want to explain your life choices. These answers save you the trouble.

Repeated use of these might just teach people to respect your privacy. Or at least, think twice before asking.


There you are, minding your business at work, and suddenly a coworker, who barely knows your last name, thinks it’s their right to know your wedding plans. 

That’s when you drop a line like, ‘You should worry about climate change, not my ring finger.’

Check Out these Replies When Parents Ask “Where Your Money Went

Clever Answers To “When Are You Getting Married?”

1. “Marriage? Maybe when being unmarried isn’t so much fun anymore.”

2. “When my dog accepts someone else is joining our exclusive house club.”

3. “Mark 30 February [Next Year] as the final date. Don’t show up late!”

4. “My marriage will be a shock – even to me!”

5. “I’m auditioning for husbands and wives next week. Want in?”

6. “I didn’t realize being married was a requirement for a successful life.”

7. “A wedding? I’m still trying to decide what to wear tomorrow.”

“When’s Getting Married?” - Try These 21+ Witty Comebacks!

You get to keep your personal life under wraps without being rude. Like saying, ‘It’s none of your business’ but with a smile.

Nobody wants the ‘Oh, you’ll find someone’ pity talk. These responses shut that down before it even starts.


You’re at a get-together with friends you haven’t seen in ages. They’re all coupling up like it’s a season finale of a dating show and then comes the inevitable question aimed at you. This is your stage to shine with a response like, ‘A wedding? I’m still trying to decide what to wear tomorrow.’

How To Answer “When Are You Getting Married”?

It’s common to face a barrage of queries about your marriage plan from relatives, neighbors, and even friends. They often ask this randomly, sparking a conversation of pressure and unsolicited advice. 

Witty responses can defuse the situation. For instance, when pressed about getting married, I quip, ‘I’m too busy enjoying being single to think about it soon!’

Question People Mostly Ask…

Why Do People Often Ask About Marriage Plans?

In many cultures, marriage is viewed as a major milestone in life, symbolizing adulthood and success. People often ask about it as part of a script in conversation, driven by curiosity about your progress and the expected next step. 

While some show personal Interest in your life and relationship, others seek gossip or entertainment, finding the interesting, and juicy details of your life as a source of amusement.

How Do I Handle This Question At Family Gatherings Without Being Rude?

A Humorous approach often works wonders; a light joke like, ‘I knew you’d ask! I’ll let you know the date in time,’ adds lightheartedness and avoids getting into specifics. 

This method, coupled with honest deflection, smoothly handles the situation without any rudeness.

Is There A Humorous Way To Deflect The Marriage Question At Work?

Absolutely! At work, when the marriage topic pops up, lean on Self-deprecating humor. Jokingly, say, ‘In a committed relationship with my takeout; that’s my one true love!’ 

This gesture of humor lightens the mood in the workspace and subtly shifts the focus from your personal life.

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