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11 Top-Notch Replies To Funny Messages (No Formal Replies)

In this digital era, texting has become our go-to for sharing laughs and amusing moments. That’s why, our way to respond to a funny message is as crucial as the joke itself. Right? Using LOL, a smiley, or an emoji can be an immediate reaction, but crafting responses that share the nature of your wit will make an immense impact on them. 

Replies To Funny Messages & Texts

So, don’t take into account these formal ways to respond, instead, use these replies and watch the fun game begin!

Honest Replies (You Liked That Text)

1. “Bro, that was the funniest thing I’ve heard all day. You’re really good at it!”

2. “I mean, how do you come up with this stuff? You deserve a career in comedy!”

3. “I didn’t think anything could cheer me up today, but your message just did.”

4, “You always tell the better jokes than all. You are the best!”

5. “I think you might be the most fun person I know.”

6. “I’d LOL but …………….. I’m too busy ROFL.”

Honestly, these replies make you the person everyone wants to text. They know you’re not just going to hit them with a dry “haha” but actually engage and make them feel good about their jokes. 

Appreciating Replies (You Were Bored And That Made You Happy)

1. “I like your style, most entertaining texter I know.”

2. “I’ve heard a lot of jokes, but yours are most definitely the best.”

3. “You’ve got a gift. Making people laugh isn’t easy, but you nailed it!”

In a world where everyone’s super busy and sometimes just plain stressed, being that person who appreciates and acknowledges humor is priceless

These appreciating replies do more than just acknowledge a joke; they build connections and encourage them to keep the jokes coming.

Funny & Banterful Replies 

1. “I didn’t work out today, but your texts are the funniest workout my abs got!”

2. “Bro, that joke didn’t work; it made me laugh harder than I thought possible.”

3. “That was a real lightbulb moment; you’re electrifyingly funny!”

Funny and banterful replies create this unique bond. They show that you are paying attention and sharing the fun equally. You’re in the game, crafting a reply that’s as fun as the message itself.

Sarcastic Replies 

1. “I came up with a better joke while waiting for yours to make sense. Lol.”

2. “Bro, that joke deserves more silence than applause.”

3. “Oh, you want to make me laugh? Try something a bit more challenging next time.”

4. “You know? The most interesting thing about you is your confidence in these [jokes].”

5. “I’m glad you want to make me smile. Too bad your jokes make me want to cry.”

6. “Thanks for making my day slightly more bearable with that attempt at humor.”

7. “You’re the most fun I’ve had without laughing.”

Just remember, the key to a good sarcastic reply is making sure it’s received by someone who appreciates your brand of humor. Because the last thing you want is to be the only one laughing. Oh, wait, maybe that’s exactly what you want. Carry on, then.

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How To Respond To A Funny Text?

When your friend or crush shares a funny text, the hope is to spark a laugh and brighten your day. What should be your response? A hearty “Lmao, nice one!” It’s good to appreciate their effort in making your day special.

Occasionally, try new responses to keep things fresh, like “OMG, you always know how to make me laugh!” 

Whether it’s regular texting, sharing jokes, or clever one-liners, sharing an equal laugh makes the conversation enjoyable. It’s possible to appreciate the humor and hope to reciprocate with equally funny messages and memes.

11 Top-Notch Replies To Funny Messages (No Formal Replies)

What To Say When Someone Texts Something Funny?

When someone shares a great joke over text, the perfect reaction often involves expressing genuine laughter. Honestly, a funny text deserves more than a canned response; it calls for a humorously crafted reply that makes both you and the sender laugh. 

Whether you like their sense of humor or it’s not entirely your cup of tea, the key is to stop and think about a response that expresses your genuine appreciation of their effort to make you laugh.

Questions People Moslty Ask…

How Do I Reply To A Funny Text If I’m Not Good At Being Funny?

Responding to a funny text doesn’t require you to be a stand-up comedian. The key is to show that you appreciate the humor. You can simply react with a hearty “LOL” or an emoji that best captures your reaction, like the tears-of-joy emoji. 

A simple “LOL, you’re too much!” or “You always crack me up!” can go a long way. 

How Can I Make My Replies More Engaging And Funny?

Start by mirroring the energy of the message you received. If they’re being sarcastic, try a dab of your own sarcasm. Use memes or funny GIFs as your secret weapons; they’re universally understood and can say so much without typing a single word. And don’t underestimate the power of a witty pun.

How Can I Improve My Humor Over Text?

Observe how your funniest friends communicate. What makes their texts a hit? Is it their timing, their use of emojis, or the way they play with words? Try incorporating similar elements into your messages. 

Also, keep a stash of funny memes or GIFs handy for quick replies. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to let your genuine reactions and personality shine through. Humor is subjective, and your unique take on things makes your texts special.

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